by Brittany Hogan May 06, 2020 1 min read

grandparents in truck happy visiting holistic skin care shop

Reflect & Evolve

Nobody is born wise. - African proverb

It's true. Nobody is born wise and not all will die wise either. Wisdom can only come from a conscious effort to learn from life lessons and a serious desire to understand in depth.

Now, we're not talking about education. Education can easily be obtained. You read, you watch, you listen, you learn. Like digesting food, learning happens fairly automatically.

Wisdom on the other hand, requires effort, passion and persistence. It requires you to think outside the box. It commands your devoted attention. It instructs you to use logic to see beyond the surface. It demands that you never stop seeking the truth.

Wisdom is a response to a visceral need to find a deeper meaning to life. Wisdom comes from the desire to know who you are and how you relate to the world around you. Wisdom asks why and how.

From this week on, let us seek to cultivate our wisdom like our lives depend on it.

Join our Reflect & Evolve Newsletter to get proverbs, like this one, with insight delivered directly to your inbox every Sunday morning, plus get exclusive subscriber only discounts on holistic skincare and more!

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