In the End It Is One's Deeds That Are Counted

by Brittany Hogan January 28, 2021 2 min read

elderly man helping elderly woman get up rocks

Reflect & Evolve

"In the end, it is one's deeds that are counted, not one's years". - anonymous

It's not by chance that we've each endured a miraculous journey to be here. Our existence assures us a certain path, a certain uniqueness, a certain purpose.

While seeking out our individual purpose, it's easy for us to become sidetracked and lose sight of our shared, collective purpose--human interaction.

This week's reflection reminds us that no matter our purpose, in the end, it's what we've done for others that our legacy will be judged upon.

Interaction is a major function of human existence. How well we interact with others is a great indicator of how the universe interacts with us. The universe provides its blessings on the account that we (humans) actively engage in building strong and mutually-beneficial relationships.

As we develop a desire and willingness to do for others, we begin our ascension to new heights. Opportunity, abundance, and prosperity become more prevalent.

With these newfound resources, we put ourselves in an even better position to help those who need help the most. When we choose to do this, the universe is always grateful.

Don't forget to write this reflection down somewhere so you can see it throughout the week, and allow our holistic products to create a meditative space for this daily reflection.

    How did this reflection resonate with you? Let us know in the comments below!

    Living mindfully takes practice. Having the right tools around to support you is essential. Our holistic skincare was formulated to connect your mind, body and spirit with pure ingredients and positive intention. Our focus is to encourage you to reflect and evolve daily. 

    Ready to experience natural soaps that cleanse your aura? How about natural moisturizers that inspire confidence or aromatherapy sprays that encourage a smile? Sounds like you're ready for Nefertem Holistic Skincare! 

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