Why is Holistic Health Important?

by Brittany Hogan April 15, 2022 2 min read

Why is Holistic Health Important?

Holistic health is important because it takes a comprehensive look at the whole human, rather than the sum of its parts. Holistic health is an understanding that the body can affect the mind which can affect the emotions, the spirit and so on.

A disharmony in one area, for example too little rest or poor skincare (body), can create dis-ease in another area, for example depression or anxiety (mind).

Each system in our body, or area of lifestyle, needs to be examined and nurtured to ensure total balance and overall health.

holistic health portrayed using post notes

Holistic Health is Comprehensive

When we embrace and practice holistic health, we take a thorough assessment of our total system health: mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical. So, when we experience an illness or dis-ease, rather than just treating the obvious physical symptoms, we would stop and reflect on all areas of our lives that could be contributing to the problem.

Common assessment points/things to reflect on are: mental state, emotions, work environment, diet, skincare, spiritual practice, exercise, relationships, friendships, personal satisfaction, chiropractic alignment, etc... 

Once we assess all areas, we likely find that one area is manifesting turbulence in another area. A much needed conversation with a friend or loved one, could be causing headaches. Unnatural skincare use could be causing digestive upset. Not incorporating prayer/meditation could be resulting in anxiety. All things are connected!

woman praying in outdoor setting to encourage holistic healing

Holistic Preventative Care 

Holistic health also focuses on prevention. Detecting a dis-harmony in the first place can help prevent us from experiencing unnecessary turmoil. Changing our mindset, diet, skincare, environment and relationships, can ultimately lead to overall improvement in health and wellness.

In addition, how we adjust our thinking of dis-ease or our current circumstances can have a profound impact on preventing dis-ease.

There is a saying that goes, "where our thoughts go, energy flows." So, if we can modify our thoughts, by choosing happiness over worry, rest over exhaustion, or gratitude over lacking, we are more likely to infuse each of our cells with the power of positive healing.

When we focus our intentions on the joys of life, not the concerns, our energy, emotions and physical state follows suit. This is the ultimate in holistic preventative care.

holistic health tools

Common Preventative Holistic Health Practices Include:

  • Meditation
  • Energy work
  • Sage Smudging
  • Crystal Therapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Holistic Skincare
  • Massage
  • Prayer
  • Journaling
  • Clean Eating
  • Exercise
  • Nutritional Supplements
  • Counseling
  • Herbs and Essential Oils
  • and more...

As you can see, expanding our focus from just our physical health to the health of our entire bodies enables us to live in a way that embraces health holistically.

Practicing positive thinking, alternative therapies and clean living, allows our body systems to coexist peacefully and our spirits to thrive.

Ready to try holistic skincare, made by the original holistic skincare company, check out these amazing products. 

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