3 Top Reasons Lavender Oil Should Be a Staple in Every Home

by Brittany Hogan April 06, 2022 2 min read

lavender essential oil with lavender bath salts

Essential oils are quickly becoming the first response for many of life's daily stresses.

Feeling like you have no energy? There’s an essential oil for that.

Got a headache? There’s an essential oil for that, too.

Lavender oil, in particular, boasts a wide array of uses making it a handy choice to keep stocked at home, especially if you are just getting started dabbling in essential oils.

But, what else can you use lavender essential oil for and why should you?

lavender essential oil from lavender flowers in field

Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender has been shown to have antiinflammatory, antioxidant, antifungal, and antibacterial properties and is known for its hallmark scent. You can use it as a spray for your pillow, add a few drops in the bath, or diffuse into the air to create a relaxing environment.

Lavender is considered the mother of all oils for the wealth of benefits it offers. Let's explore deeper...

Promotes a Restful Nights Sleep

Lavender is perhaps best known for it’s ability to help you relax and unwind. Many use lavender oils at bedtime for that reason. There are several popular methods of application including applying lavender infused lotions and using rollers or oil applied on your skin at strategic locations like the inside of your wrists.

This essential oil has been found to calm the nervous system thanks to the linalool and linalyl acetate compounds it contains. Another study showed that exposure to lavender the night before reduced sleepiness upon awakening the next morning.

woman walking through field of lavender which may reduce stress

Lowering Anxiety

With such relaxing properties, it’s no wonder that lavender oils are said to be so effective at reducing anxiety. Many studies have documented this popular oil’s ability to help with many anxiety disorders including generalized anxiety disorder and subsyndromal anxiety disorder.

One additional benefit in using lavender to combat anxiety is that there don’t seem to be any withdrawal symptoms and drug interactions are minimal. Try spraying your pillow with lavender oil before bed and using a rollerball behind your ears and wrists.

Encourages Wound Healing

When used in aromatherapy form, lavender has been found to aid in the healing of abrasions and burns, relieving headaches, clearing skin problems, boosting the immune system, and promoting new cell growth. One promising study showed that lavender “has an acceleratory effect on wound healing”.

possible wound healing from lavender essential oil use

Whether you suffer from insomnia, have trouble unwinding after a busy afternoon, or could just use some more calm in your life, lavender essential oils may just save the day.

Grab your comfiest robe and a mug of hot tea, and let lavender help you add some peace and tranquility amidst all the chaos.

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